Problem Client

That's what I was called today.  After spending $9000 to have a patio put in, I was called a "problem client" by the contractor.  All because I sent an email asking about some hairline cracks that had formed in the seats/benches around the patio.  Can you believe that? Here's the email correspondence as it actually happened.  I have not editted it in any way.

Click here to read the entire conversation

Artistic Concrete of Ohio did a wonderful job on my patio and it's beautiful.  Unfortunately towards the end as they got paid, their attitude changed.  I withheld $500 to have some final work done on an electrical plug.  They did a half-assed job on it, after doing such a beautiful job on the rest of the patio.  I would have thought they would be embarrassed, but all they really cared about was getting the final check.  In fact they left the plug to dry with a bucket holding it up and told me to keep the bucket so that they didn't have to return.  And then a few months later I send them an email to ask about my concern with the hairline cracks and I get the silent treatment.

I am so tired of contractors.  I'm pretty sure my Dad and Grandfather, who were both builders, never would have treated a customer in this manner.